Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Post mortem...

I had to get my prediction documented somewhere...

The economy is headed into the toilet. Incredibly, it has taken folks this long to figure out what the war in Iraq was truly about.

All of the recent "revelations" suggest that there was always an ulterior motive.

My prediction is that those in power now will walk away fat and happy, and we will spend the next 20 years analyzing why we let it go that way.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

I think it's time to face facts...

I don't think I'll ever fit in anywhere...

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Saturday, January 12, 2008

No for 1 week...

This is where I am going to start. It seems like lately, when I check out I notice how deliciously depressing the news can be. I have been saying to myself, "Why do I continue to torture myself by checking this out?" I end up feeling like a rubbernecker at a car crash... "I should look away, but I just can't..."

So tonight I was checking it out, and this is what I saw...
The "Latest News" section had 15 individual news items (the last line was a link to a summary). Out of those 15 items, 2 dealt with the murder of children, 2 dealt with child neglect and/or abandonment, 1 dealt with manufacture and sale of pot, 1 dealt with the beheading of an indonesian maid, 1 dealt with a politician getting busted for DWI, 1 dealt with drug smuggling... In all, only 4 of the items didn't have a huge negative slant to them, and they were about such life-altering things such as surfing and football.

So, I am going to make the choice to not check it for a week. I'm hoping that it will go MUCH longer than that!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Click, click, click...

Click, click, click...

I somehow expect things to be different each time I click. I want each click to represent moving forward, yet I feel like each click puts me right where I was before I clicked.I am running around in circles, coming no closer to catching my tail than yesterday.

Next click...

Trust (noun)
1. reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


I think that I am afraid to feel...

If you don't feel, things can't hurt you... right?

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I must have gone to the wrong school...

I don't know what scares me more. The fact that someone would actually publish this kind of blather in an advertisement to bring customers to their chiropractic clinic, or the fact that this guy may actually believe that what he prints is true...

I have managed to hang on to three ads from one of our local "newspapers" for this guy.

These are from the first one I saw...

"One hundred percent of the diseased organs can be traced back to a misaligned and deteriorated area of the spine."

He actually cites a clinician, however the only thing I could track down suggests that this clinician was in practice in the 1920's. And the only other websites I could find that referenced the same clinician were more hokey chiropractor-type websites.

Wait, it gets even better...

"Your brain runs your whole body and communicates it [sic] 'wellness messages' through the nerve system. If stress interrupts or 'traps' nerve supply, your body will experience some kind of shutdown."


"A careful evaluation of your spine could reveal the exact coordinates of where nreve supply may be 'trapped' or interrupted due to stress or trauma."

But the best so far was the latest one (7-26-2007)...

"Chemistry doesn't control your body - intelligence does. Your innate (inborn) intelligence creates all the chemistry and keeps it in balance."

"By removing the nerve interference, the intelligence of your body is allowed to automatically re-balance body chemistry and to generate extraordinary healing capabilities."

Dude, stay away from the medicinal marijuana...